June 10th 2023

Want to earn Premium Goldbox 20,000 percent for doing almost nothing?

No, this isn’t a Springtrap scheme or real estate scam. David Cartoons wants to hire a Developers and a Animators & Me & Sid and we want Fred@Nite to recommend someone. Check out the goldbox descriptions on the schedule section of Fred@Nite and see if you know anyone who would be a good fit for the positions. If you recommend someone for a position, and David Cartoons decides to hire your dad, friend, work colleague, grandma, or whomever else you recommend, you earn Premium Goldbox 20,000 percent. You can finally afford that white top hat you’ve had your eye on.

But wait, there’s more! If you recommend people for both jobs, and we hire both of them, you get Premium Goldbox 40,000 percent! Remember, you only get the Premium Goldbox 20,000 percent if we actually hire the person that you recommend, so make sure your recommendations are qualified and plentiful.

I know what you’re thinking…this sounds great, but how do I get credit for recommending a candidate? It’s simple. Just convince the potential hire to apply and have the person you’re recommending include your username in their cover letter. Happy hunting!


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June 1t0h 2023

Analog Horror Movie Contest

Introducing Goldywood - Analog Horror Movie Contest #1!

Goldywood is open for business!  We’re having a movie contest to celebrate. The theme is Horror. Be sure to read all the guidelines below to make sure your YouTube movie gets entered.

An Analog horror movie is one that has a thrills, chills, and a good horror story. The characters have to get into some sort of trouble and then get themselves out or be saved.  Your movie can be an original work or a scene from one of your favorite “real” movies.


Two ways to win!

Oscar 1. There will be 5 Best Motion Picture winners for this event. There is no ranking among the five. All of them are winners!  “Production Teams” are welcome (up to three users) – all listed members of the team will win the Award Hat, and the three production members get $R 1000.

2. From among all the movies the staff will also pick winners for special categories. The winners will receive the Award Hat and $R 1000 each. In order to win the username must be listed in the YouTube movie’s information by the person who posted the video.
Best Actor/Actress (three of these will be chosen), Best Soundtrack, Best Camera Work, Best Costumes, Best Set Design and Best Special Effects.


1. Create an Action Adventure ROBLOX video. All entries must be a movie/video. You can learn how to make Roblox movies from our tutorial.

2. Please make all videos suitable for viewing by kids, grandmas, school teachers, and your next door neighbor. No profanity or inappropriate images. Any video that breaks the standard ROBLOX rules will not be able to win.

3. Videos should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long.  Keep it short so the action doesn’t get lost in long scenes. Most of the footage should be ROBLOX related.

4. On your video page put the following information.
a. Usernames of team, Link to ROBLOX - http://www.roblox.com
b. Tags - This time we want you to use tons of tags!
    * You must put “ROBLOX” and “june-action”
    * Describe your video with three or four words
    * If you are taking a scene from a real movie, include the movie name –       otherwise, put the name of a movie that’s like yours
    * Include the names of your favorite building and modeling toys
    * Describe ROBLOX in three or four words
GO CRAZY WITH THE TAGS! Example:  ROBLOX june-action giant spider chase King Kong erector knex lego fun kids online world  

5. Contest Closes Sunday June 29 at 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern). All videos must be posted by this time.

6. There is no rule six!

How To Win

The winners will be chosen by the ROBLOX Team who will search for videos with all the right things. Videos must have been uploaded since the contest started (no old videos!), must have the ROBLOX link and june-action tags (and other tags), and must have your username. Most of all they must have Action and Adventure! This contest is subjective to the Team’s opinion. Not everyone will agree that your video is a winner, but we hope it is!


Feel free to talk about your video on the new ROBLOXiwood forums and link to it.

Google videos will not be accepted. Only videos on YouTube will count for this event.

You can work in Production Teams OF UP TO 3 PEOPLE. In addition, you can list other team members for costumes, special effects, set design, acting…  List these team members on your credits. All members of a Best Picture winning team will get the Award Hat. All the team’s names must be listed on the YouTube video information.

Your movie can be longer than 3 minutes but the Staff does not have to watch the whole thing. Shorter is better!

Winners and prizes will be announced within a week of the contest close.

I can’t wait to see the exciting things you guys create!


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June 10th 2008

Funny Movie Contest Winners

The ROBLOX Staff has finally picked the winners for this contest. Yay! After much debate we decided to have 8 winning entries instead of 5. It was very hard to narrow down the choices and we just couldn’t leave some of these out.

In no particular order, the winning entries are…

Max & Bob Visit Robloxia by maxxz
Stfcrb’s Fun Time 2 by Stfcrb
NoobName Show by NoobName, Wirodeu and hugeflare
Roblox Christmas at Ground Zero by Stickmasterluke
Indiana Legocat5 And The Holy Bob by legocat5
Roblox: The Bloxxer Bunch by CobraStrike4
ROBLOX - May-Funny by Johnny2008 and Acbc
Top 10 ways to die in Roblox by Are92, Are14 and Minilandstan

Watch all the videos in this player!

Or click this link to see them all on my YouTube profile page.

Each of the players listed above will receive the video contest exclusive Security Camera hat and $R 300 split among their team. Winning video contests is the only way to get the hat. Are you bummed you did a lot of work and didn’t win? Well give it a try next time! Stay tuned for more exciting video contests to come.


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June 1st 2008

Funny Movie Contest Update 2

There are now twice as many movies posted as there were last week! This contest is going great. Please keep in mind that NO WINNERS HAVE BEEN CHOSEN, but the team has started watching the movies and taking notes. There is still more than a week to finish your videos

You can still enter by following the steps in the contest announcement post below.

Here is a scene that made us laugh in SonicBoy’s Videosonicboy.

Please note: This does not mean SonicBoy is one of the winners yet. We just liked his scene here and wanted to show it off.

The contest Closes Monday June 9 at 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern). All videos must be posted by then but there’s plenty of time. After it closes we will keep watching and taking notes for a while longer before declaring the winners.

There are lots of movies at the time of this post! You can check out all the entries on YouTube at this link.


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May 27th 2008

Like Clockwork


The illustrious (and infamous!) clockwork has returned! Clockwork was one of our summer interns last year and we didn’t scar him too badly, so he decided to come back for more. We’ll be getting a couple more interns over the next couple of weeks. We’re going to put them to work cranking out great stuff for you guys, and giving me rides around the office in my wheely chair. So you guys do your part and give them all a warm welcome, and I’ll do my part and make sure the wheels on my chair are oiled up.RBXHQ

Clockwork runs ROBLOX HQ, a website chock-full of ROBLOXy goodness. He’s an accomplished 3D modeler and programmer. He starts school at Stanford this September.

- Telamon

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May 23rd 2008

Funny Movie Contest Update

The contest is going great! Tons of people (well, a lot of people) have already posted their movies on YouTube. The contest Closes Monday June 9 at 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern). All videos must be posted by then but there’s plenty of time.

These are some of the videos that have been entered. No winners have been chosen yet!
Some of the entries

Security CameraYou can check out the current entries by doing this search yourself! Click here!

There is a lot of funny stuff on there. You guys are doing great! The exclusive hat prize for this contest is the Security Camera. It will not be for sale… ever!

Want to know how to enter? Please check out the rules on the previous post.


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May 19th 2008

Funny Movie Contest

We’re having a YouTube movie contest and the theme is humor. Be sure to read all the guidelines below to make sure your funny YouTube movie gets entered.


There will be 5 (and only 5) winners for this event. They each will receive the Video Contest exclusive hat. They will also receive $R 300. There is no ranking among the five. All of them are winners.


1. Create a humorous ROBLOX video. You can learn how to make Roblox movies from our tutorial.

2. Please make all videos suitable for viewing by kids, grandmas, school teachers, and your next door neighbor. No profanity or inappropriate images. Any video that breaks the standard ROBLOX rules will not be able to win.

3. Videos should be between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long. Most of the footage should be ROBLOX related.

4. On your video page put the following information.

5. Contest Closes Monday June 9 at 6pm Pacific time (9pm Eastern). All videos must be posted by this time.

7. Winners and prizes will be announced within a week of the contest close.

How To Win

The winners will be chosen by the ROBLOX Team who will search for videos with all the right things. Videos must have been uploaded since the contest started (no old videos!), must have the right links and tags, must have your username.

Most of all they must be funny! The ROBLOX Team will watch the highest rated and watched videos and pick the ones they think are most funny. This contest is subjective to the Team’s humor. Not everyone will agree that your video is funny, but we hope it is too!

Extra Rules:

Feel free to talk about your video on the forums and link to it. Don’t post more than once though!

Google videos will not be accepted. Only videos on YouTube will count for this event.

You can work in teams OF UP TO 3 PEOPLE. Each person in a winning team would get the hat, but the money would be split between you. All the team’s names must be listed on the YouTube video information.

If this contest goes well we may have more of them in the future. We think it’s great how many videos there are about ROBLOX. You guys are so creative!


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May 18th 2008

The Survey Is Win!

We received almost 4600 responses to the Getting To Know You survey. That’s great! Now we will be better able to understand the users. Thanks guys!

We learned some interesting things from the survey, like that most users really like chatting and playing games but not so much scripting. We will try to keep it all in mind for future updates.

We also got some great suggestions…

I would love for ROBLOX to add an options menu… for example: when you talk you can change font color, there is chat above your head when you talk, you can change the quality from high to med/low, and you can do many other option things…

You can record videos on ROBLOX when you play. I mean it would come with a built in camera!!!!

Capes for our characters!

That players could rate a place, so other people could not get fooled by the name of the place.

When in a building game, make it be able so only you can delete your stuff, so people can’t come and delete it.

Some kind of hat, shirt, T-shirt, pants gifting system. Reason: to be nice to friends. I think to make it really friendly, it should be free and not just a BC thing.

Scripts in the Catalog for easier scripting.

I believe Roblox should add new kinds of basic meshes (e.g. Wedge) and new kinds of block shapes (e.g. Cylinder) and the ability to rotate and tilt bricks.

…as well as many suggestions for various hats, faces, and other costume changes.

The following 50 users received $R 50 each. They were randomly chosen from the list of survey takers.

just stop!
Master Gold Playz



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May 14th 2008

More Fun, Less Frustration

A new release is upon us. Its theme: more fun, less frustration. Building and playing in ROBLOX should always be easy and fun. We’re constantly working hard to make sure it is. Here’re a few things we’ve focused on lately:


If you’ve ever tried to add custom graphical elements to your models and places, you know what an exercise in frustration it can be. When you add a Decal to a block, it only shows up when visiting a Place solo. If you add a lot of Decals, your Place becomes too large to save to ROBLOX. Clever builders figured out ways around this (they always do), but it required creating T-Shirts, cutting/pasting, finding and changing texture properties, deleting unnecessary T-Shirts, etc. In short, it was painful.


Today’s release adds support for user-uploadable Decals that behave well in online multiplayer games. They’re simple to create and easy to use.

To create a Decal, use the Decal Builder. It works just like the builder for T-Shirts, Shirts, and Pants. Just browse to the image you want to use and upload it. ROBLOX will create a Decal and add it to your stuff. You can find the Decal Builder by clicking the “Create” button while on the Decals tab of your stuff. You can also browse for Decals created by other users in the Catalog.

Decal Builder

To add a Decal to a Place or Model, open the Insert menu in ROBLOX Studio, choose My Decals or Free Decals, then click the Decal you wish to apply. You can drag the Decal onto any surface and click to drop it there.

Decals in the Toolbox

Piece of cake!

Less Lag

Who likes lag? Not us. This release brings a big performance breakthrough for games with large numbers of players. Go try out your favorite Places and see if you notice the difference.


It’s no fun when you’re locked in intense battle with several of your friends, you’re on the verge of scoring the winning shot, and suddenly your game crashes. Or worse, the server crashes. That bugs us, too, so we’ve devoted a lot of time and energy this release to making the ROBLOX game more reliable.

Of course, as with any release we’ve addressed a number of minor bugs and other inconveniences. Many of these are brought to our attention by your reports, so keep sending them our way.



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May 6th 2008

Getting To Know You

We need to know a little bit more about you, the players. That way we can make ROBLOX more awesome and fun to play! Take the survey

Click the link and go take the Getting To Know You survey. It’s very short - just 2 pages (and 1 secret page). It will go for one week.

At the end of the survey is a place to put your username. This is optional but we will randomly select 50 players who finished the survey to win $R 50 each!

So go and take the whole survey!

The prizes will be given out within 2 weeks of survey end. One entry per player. Duplicate entries will be ignored.


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